Let's Talk Tacheles! continues on the 5th of July at Campus Buschhütten. From Quantum Computing to AI – you get the chance to talk Tacheles with 3 FounderAlumni from Hard Tech Businesses.
When venturing in the hard or deep tech business the chances of success and risks of failure are much higher than in any other start-up segment. Providing technology solutions based on substantial scientific or engineering challenges demands lengthy research and development and large capital invest before a successful commercialization is possible. Three FounderAlumni of the University of Siegen discuss challenges, hardships and possibilities of starting a hard tech business.
Our Guests are...
Jan Henrik Leisse (CEO & Co-founder eleQtron GmbH), Dr.-Ing. Sara Nasiri (Founder SmartyX GmbH) & Dr.-Ing. Michael-Christian Schmidt (Founder ESKITEC GmbH)
Hosted by Konrad Meisner (Entrepreneurship Center University of Siegen)
After the discussion we’re happy to invite everyone to fine drinks and fingerfood - your perfect chance to get in touch with our Deep Tech Founder Alumni!
The discussion will be held in English but of course questions may also be asked in German as well.
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